Sunday, 22 April 2012

clear all the sawang part 2

hello again... so........ skarang aku seorang penganggur terhormat!! ahaks.. aku me'resign'kan diri and now i'm back in jay bee.. rite now still mencari new job and i hv to say i take my own sweet sweet time.. *x sedar diri dana makin susut* no worries, fund for snsd tetap ade.. kekekeke..

now officially jobless n roomless (due to my room still under maintenance and i can't lepaking at my bro's room coz he's home for 2 weeks, thus i hv to settle with living room) huhu.. after 4 months tak tgk tv, skrang me mmg tgk tv jek.. kire topap those days yg aku tak tgk tv.. my mom lol'ed at me when she saw me hummed and sang spongebob and phineas and ferb theme songs.. haha... mama geleng kepala bagai.. iyelah, aku hafal bukan lirik jek, siap music dier skali.. kuikui.. i so need a job rite now.. hakhak..

badan makin sehat.. of coz larh.. rase nye dalam 2 minggu setengah ni dah nek 3 kg kot.. -_-" dah tu kat umah tidur, makan, maen game alien, tgk tv, online, bace buku.. haish.. *jessica must be proud of me... i'm her protege.. ahaks..*

i must say that my bday wish dah tercapai for this year.. haha.. i clearly remember my wish mase bday aritu.. kalau tak silap, my exact words are, 'i wish to see SNSD depan2 (means depan2 mate)' and BAM!! i got that wish lorh.. hahahaha.. when soshi datang me dok depaaaaaaannnnnnn skali n if that's not good enuff, i saw them depan2 time kat airport.. amek kau!! my wish fulfilled.. just like that.. ngeeeeee...... hopefully i can see them again within this year.. ^____^

okay then.. nothing to bebel anymore.. just bagi update gtu2 jek.. important2 jek.. hahaha... so after this my post will be just about anything lol.. till then.. ^^

p.s: i dunno what happen to my shoutbox lol.. should i just delete it?? hmmm...